Distinguished Scientists, Researchers and Industry Representatives


Wisdom, justice and courage have always been virtues that human beings have always talked about but never wanted to achieve.  In order to change the world and make it a better place, individuals (scientists, artists, politicians, athletes, writers, business people) and societies have lived and defended these virtues. However, unfortunately, these values will be useless one day when countries and their decision-makers, who cannot make peace with themselves and are determined to turn this paradise world into hell, realize that everything is exhausted and destroyed. In fact, human beings, at all levels, have not wanted to understand those who are not their own due to personality, ideological bias, social identity, etc. Moreover, they have seen those who are not their own as the "other" and have not refrained from exhibiting behaviors that threaten human life at various levels ranging from discrimination to genocide. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this situation. But perhaps the most important one is the inadequacy of communication and interaction between societies and prejudices that do not allow people to understand each other. Although Einstein said that "splitting prejudices is harder than splitting the atom", it is known that communication and interaction lead to changes in people's attitudes.  

In this context, traveling, participating in touristic activities and taking part in the phenomenon of tourism can be a way of getting to know people and getting rid of these prejudices. Moreover, combining the different worlds that people create in their minds and developing a new understanding of the world can be possible through tourism. Especially in a period when the culture created in the digital world supports this situation. In order to break down these prejudices, the main theme of the 8th International Congress on Tourism Research in West Asia has been determined as "Tourism and Social Psychology". The main themes, which are determined to draw attention to a different topic every year, actually aim to emphasize the period we live in.  

Dear scientists, IWACT'24, which will be held in Şırnak in April 2024, will be organized in cooperation with Şırnak University and Van Yüzüncü Yıl University.  As in every scientific event, the success of this event is possible with the contributions of esteemed scientists and researchers. In this context, we would like to state that we will gladly welcome you, esteemed scientists and industry professionals who want to contribute to IWACT'24 both from Turkey and abroad. With love and health..

Organizing Committee Chairs

    Prof. Dr. Faruk ALAEDDİNOĞLU      Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sedat ÇELİK

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